Hudičev Turn (The Devil’s Tower) And Museum of old vehicles

Across the ruins of a mansion, by the regional road, there is a parking area with information boards. When visiting the heritage area, do not miss the ruins of the Soteska mansion (the Gorge mansion), the Hudičev turn (the Devil’s tower) pavilion, and the former farm building, which now holds an exhibition of old vehicles from the Technical Museum of Slovenia. 

Along with the construction of the Soteska mansion, the concept of the park was created, which was first located only around the mansion and the surrounding renaissance-style buildings. At the end of the 17th century, a new baroque park was designed on the plain by the Krka River, in which architecture and an artificially formed natural environment could come to life in a sophisticated whole.

Dvorec soteska, hudičev turn in muzej starih avtomobilov, Soteska 38, Straža pri Novem mestu
Dolenjske toplice
+386 (0)7 38 45 188
